Thursday, April 28, 2011

the outcome doesn't bother me - but the execution of it pisses me off!!

I don't understand the male logic.

How is it OK to snuggle and kiss a girl in front of your friends & tell her you like her; comment to your friends that she is excellent wife material and then a day later find excuses to not hang out. 

How is telling/showing people you are hanging out with somone-- but then not.... but yet the friends think it is still going on or ask you questions.

How can you say you want to chill - but remind me that you don't have time...but yet you still make time for 'fun' which you admitted.  [which as I remind you all, I am fully aware people make time for what they want - which is how I know people lie].

What kind of person does something like that?  I am absolutely fine with the outcome since in all honesty - drama and crazy was written all over that...but it is the principle of it - the execution of how it was handled that really pisses me off.  I was hoping for a spring/summer fling but clearly not with HSK. 
I should have known better, I mean, what kind of person uses the word 'ridonkulous'?

Let's keep our fingers cross something better comes along.

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