Sunday, October 31, 2010

You are never to old to dress up for Halloween!

I am sitting here watching the Greenwich Village Halloween Parade on TV, I never knew it was broadcasted.  They say you should really visit NYC at New Years to experience, I have ZERO desire for that.  I think everyone should experience the Greenwich Village Halloween Parade.  Why? Because there are some very unusual people you will see, everyone is happy, there is a little more room then being a sardine stuck in a small spot for hours, it is generally not that cold and last but not least - it is a little more fun.

While I am sitting watching TV, icing my ankle...I am remembering Halloween 2008.  Let me share.  My friend was moving and she really wanted to see the parade.  A few of us from book club decided we were going to go.  It was during the week, so I went to work and met up with the girls later on.  I stayed up late the night before working on my costume...because you can't go to the parade with out dressing up (OK, well one of my friends thought it was OK).   I am frugal - why spend $60 on a poor fitting costume?  So I came up with a home made costume - 'white lies'.  Very simple. I had on black pants and my black pull over fleece, and I safety pined small lies on index cards.  Sure, it was completely ridiculous...but it was also very unique.  Lots of people stopped to get a picture with me. 

So we start the night with green drinks.  Some friends were already drunk when I met up with them.  We head over to the parade.  Met some amazing costumes along the way.  A few friends decide to climb the barrier to join the parade...but one fell and BROKE HER FOOT.  I lost one friend in the chaos, and we end up going to the hospital and spend a few hours there before heading home. 

So I am not sure if I experienced the parade enough...but it was fun for the 30 minutes I was there.  The girl with the broken foot - we aren't friends anymore. 

(one of my things in my bucket list is to make a complete and utter fool of myself.  I am wondering if home made costumes qualify for that.  This year...I went as a skunk, previous years include nerd and chef.)

On a separate note but with the Halloween theme - I LOVE when the parents dress up taking their kid trick or treating.

Ok, I've been watching the parade for 90 minutes...well and doing other things, but I can't peel myself away. I am not a fan of all the store bought or Lady Gaga's, since I make my own ridiculous costumes...I really love the clever costumes people come up with. My favorites from this year...Metro Card Man, the loofahs, the robot - he even had the forethought to take a picture of himself and put it on his NYS license, the iPhone, some of the groups (KISS, the Flintstones, etc), marionette puppets, and the guy sitting on the toilet in a portapotty?.

1 comment:

  1. Those green drinks look so good... and mister sun lovin' also looks very tasty
