Friday, October 1, 2010

What kind of morons work for you?

Dear Mr. G,

I would like to express my sincere disappointment in your district and the employees that work for you.  I recently applied to a posting for an opening and received a call within days since I am super qualified for the position.  When the lady called me at 3:50pm, before I was finishing up my work, and asked for an interview for 12:30pm the next day, I was shocked that such short notice was given and I asked if there were any other times or days I could go in.  The answer was NO.  I called back to confirm I can make it, after I decided I would call in sick to my current job, which as you see on the resume is in New York City.  I spent the evening preparing questions, surfing your website, deciding on an outfit, and deciding if I was offered the position if it was in fact something I would accept.  I came up with a fantastic answer to why I would accept a position that was easier and less interesting than my current job.  I woke early this morning to further prepare for this last minute interview and was astonished when the phone rang to CANCEL my interview claiming that the posting was an internal posting only.  This vital information is NOT on the posting so how was I to know that I would not be eligible?  Additionally, what kind of morons work for you that screen the resumes.  Clear on the front page states my current employer is NOT you.  How oh how did my resume make it past the initial review?  I should be flattered that my skills and knowledge blurred your vision, but I called in sick, taking a day I don't really have for this...and you cancel on me?!?  Unfortunately, even if I did the walk of shame back to work in the POURING rain, I would have been at work for 4 hours.  Not quite worth it.  I am pissed off that you think this behavior is acceptable.  I am quite happy that it didn't work out because I can not work for people that do not value perspective employees or current ones for that matter.


  1. Ugh! How is it the stupid people that have the jobs we want? I'm sorry you got screwed over.

  2. At least you learned NOW that they're flakes. It would suck to get the job and learn after 2 weeks that it SUCKED and you were screwed!! :)

    Chin up! At least you had (HAD!) an interview!!

  3. Ditto to MrsCaptKerk. I have no other words. And that's rare.
