Friday, August 2, 2013

old lady butt

I am worried that now that I am aging, that I have old lady butt.  Don't pretend you don't know what I am talking about.

I am talking about the high waist-ed pants that give woman a flat but long looking butt.

This lady was about double my age...and I know my butt doesn't look like that all the time, it looks cute in a dress and skirt...but in some of my pants, I fear this is what I look like.  Especially when my pants are a little too big my little butt gets lost in the pants.

I think work pants are harder than jeans to look good in because the fabric falls different and you don't have that 'fancy' stitching for the pocket, instead it is just a straight flap.  And I wear work pants 5 days a week.  I think this is why I like fall, spring and winter, you have a coat to cover up these body part when you are out in public.  When you are at work sitting, it doesn't matter, but having someone walk behind you? I can't help but look at woman's asses.

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