Tuesday, September 17, 2013

new football fan

I think it is hysterical that this past weekend I was yelling at the football players on TV.  I was home alone watching football....who ever would have thought?

I wanted fantasy football points and I wanted to beat my opponent.  I was being mean - I was hoping that my player who dislocated his finger would come back out to play! How horrible, I think if I dislocated my finger I wouldn't want to play; then again I am not so tough.  And I was hoping other players would drop the ball or get tackled because they were my opponents players, not nice, I should want everyone to succeed in their jobs.

I was glued to the TV.  I didn't want to leave the house or to even use the bathroom because I didn't want to miss anything.  And even more frustrating I wanted to watch games that I didn't get, and I am not that huge of a fan to spend money I don't have on a better sports package.

My biggest challenge is to stay awake to watch some of these games.  Thursdays, Sundays and Mondays?  Yeah, I have to work the next day, so I go to sleep not knowing how my players are doing, and sleep a little restless.

Ah, the obsession that comes from a little friendly competition.  And when football ends....march madness is around the corner.

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