Friday, July 29, 2011

Strip trivia

I don't think I ever played strip poker, how did I miss out on so many 'regular' growing up things?   Recently however, I discovered strip trivia.  I love the anticipation of getting naked...looking at a good looking guy knowing time is ticking until we can touch. 

The first time it happened was an accident.  Sometimes I talk a lot, sometimes I ask crazy questions or want to know something unusual.  Lately I have a tendency to drink to feel more comfortable to have sex (although HSK was the first I didn't have that issue with).  So I had 2 or 3 drinks..and since I may seem aloof at times, my opponent under estimated how smart I am.  We were talking about president requirements and I was surprised he didn't know the three basic requirements...SHOCKING.  That is how it started.  Of course I had to look it up and prove I was right...because that is the kind of girl I am.  He had to prove a point, that I don't know half of what I think I know.  We make a bet. So he looks up some crazy question and I think about it...and give my answer.  Even though it was a guess, I was right (in American cars, what note does a horn beep?).  I won the bet.  Then double the bet...I got the next three questions right.  I remained mostly even though he lost...he still 'won'. 

Since I like trivia, I knew that wouldn't be the last time I played strip trivia.  This is definitely a game I plan to play for years to come...don't forget it is important to keep things fun with your boyfriend/husband - if anything I learned this lesson a little too late.

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