Friday, June 17, 2011

The search is back on

One of the things that gets under my skin is the rejection emails from organizations that you applied to.  Once eight years ago I applied for a really basic job in the county and my rejection letter stated something along the lines of  - not meeting their requirement for education.   The best part? I EXCEEDED it.  They were looking for a high school degree, I had a bachelor and a master degree.  Clearly they did not even look at my resume and cover letter. 

Throughout the years I would apply for jobs and get their standard responses back.  Most of the time I would be pushing the experience thing I wasn't sure I'd even make it to an interview.  However two months ago I found this job that paralleled what I do now.  I had about 95% of the things on the job description.  The 5% that I didn't have wasn't a big deal either, it was more like interest in architecture and knowledge with some sort of software.  It goes without saying that I also had knowledge of other things they weren't looking for, as well as an advanced degree.  To me, it was a great balance and there was no doubt in my mind I wouldn't get at least an interview.  I was wrong.  I got a rejection email when I was away last week stating that other candidates were more qualified.  At first I was a little upset, I mean, that job sounded easier than what I do now.  Perhaps my salary requirement was a put off? But I don't think it wasn't unreasonable.  I am not asking for 100,000 or anything. I wish.  Then I realized...this is probably a good thing.  The job was very similar, being the front line of an association - dealing with the public...and you know how much I hate that right now.  My overall mood, motivation and politeness (if that is a word?) at work has drastically declined in the last year.  My tolerance level for 'stupid' questions is practically nil. 

Perhaps this time it was a blessing in disguise; I avoided getting a new job that I hated with less perks than the one I am currently at.  So, back to job searching again.  I should be doing that now...but instead I am writing a blog about it.  Commuting into work this morning was draining - walking in thunder, lighting and downpours...I just want to climb back into bed.  I don't know why the thought of job searching is so draining to me.  I need a new job but it is exhausting and annoying looking through all these postings.  Especially because I know my experience will be lower if I cross over industries; which I think I might do.  It is frustrating also that there are so many people in these great jobs that suck at what they do and I am sure I can do a better job than a good 40% of them if not more.  How did they manage to get them when I can't?  Oh, I wish I had more connections and this would be a lot easier.

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