This area is a national natural landmark, which has remained unchanged for the last 20,000 years. The area covered in boulders is 400 x 1,800 feet and 12 feet deep. This area is the result of glacial activity, where the large amounts of water carried the boulders down and deposited them at this location.
Some boulders measure over 26 feet long. There is also a small river under part of this area somewhere in the middle. You are able to walk on the boulders [we didn't walk the whole area] and they ask that you do not move any of them [picture below just is for fun, I wasn't actually trying to move it]. What makes it so amazing is that the area is so flat; you can easily see the large expanse and add the absolutely beautiful day I went there (check out that sky) and it was a great visit.
what an interesting and odd monument...