Wednesday, December 22, 2010

You mustn't be a nurse

Another work story you'll think is alright.  I get a call a little while ago:

Me: Good Morning, XXXXX (company name), this is Denise
Crazy:  Is this YYYYY?
Me: No, as I just said, this is XXXX.  we are not YYYYY that is a different organization.
Crazy: YYYY does blah blah.
Me:  Yes, I know that, but that is a different company. you need to call them directly. I don't have their phone number.
Crazy:  {starts yelling about something, but honestly I am not listening...after all this isn't for me}
Me:  There is no reason to yell.
Me: really? It sounds like you are raising your voice at me.
Crazy:  Do you check your voice mails?
Me: Yes, occasionally. Twice a week or more. (which is a lie, I check about once a week because there is no point to check more often)
Crazy:  Well, I called 10 days ago and you didn't call me back. It is unacceptable that you didn't return my call.  Are you a nurse?
Me: No I am not.
Crazy: I didn't think so, you are stupid and an unconscionable person.  {then she gets super loud and yells and starts rambling on and on}
Me: excuse me. 
Me: Just call the other people and stop yelling, I don't need to deal with this shit. (yes, I did say shit on the phone at work)  Then I hang up on her.

But what I wanted to say to this crazy, if she ever shut up would have been "Lady, you should get your ears checked.  You are trying to blame me when you are locating a different company. Even if you did call last week (I don't have a record of that in my log) you would have heard our voicemail that CLEARLY states our companies name.  If you were listening you should have realized you called the wrong company and then took the initiative to do your own research to find out the phone number of the agency you want to call - instead of just waiting for people to hand you information.  Modern technology has been great, and finding a phone number for a company is easy just by going to their website.  It is not my fault that you haven't located the number that you want to call.  So, I didn't return your call - I really don't need to waste my time to returning wrong numbers since you should have heard it and/or not waited 10 days to make a second call, or even found the number you were looking for in the mean time.  So shut up and start taking responsibility for your own actions.

*So, I am not a nurse. But I am not stupid. Far from it.  Not only do I have an advanced degree, but I have common sense too. Additionally I am also somewhat 'professional' in that I do not think it is necessary to yell and scream at people - isn't that what bullies do? I am no bully.

1 comment:

  1. God I hate people. She's mad cause you didn't call her back to tell her she'd called the wrong number?!? NO ONE DOES THAT!!

    You should have just started singing a Christmas Carol in her ear. That would have been hilarious!


    And just totally ignored everything she said. Just sang sang sang sang loudly, over her yelling. She would have SHIT A BRICK!! hahaa!
