Thursday, November 1, 2012


Remember my post about having a sh*t day?  At the end of the post, I said I needed a break.  Well, the universe responded to me and brought Hurricane Sandy my way.  Instead of worrying about taking a vacation alone, or where to go, I ended up at stranded alone at home – having 4 days off from work, or a 6 day weekend. {actually it turned out to be a full week off} 
Normally under these circumstances I would have worked from home, I even brought the laptop home in preparation, but unfortunately our building lost power and with that our computer system and telephone system went down.  So, I am not even working from home.

This might sound wonderful, but the truth is, it took a while before I could enjoy myself.   The first day I was obsessed with watching the news and what might come my way.  The second day I ventured out to see some damage and waited to hear about how bad the damage was…but that was hard without cable/internet. I did a little yard work, watched a movie, did three loads of laundry and then finally I took out a puzzle and drank a bottle of wine, alone.  Day three rolls around and I finally get my groove.  I went for a walk at 7am, scrapbooked for 5 hours, ate a lot, more yard work, switched over my closet and watched a few movies.  Day four is going to be challenging…what else can I do? 
In normal circumstances, when you know you will be off for a week, you plan things.  But because everything was up in the air, this was not possible. 

Many people complain when things like this happen…but I consider myself really lucky – considering how bad it was, my town and surrounding areas really lucked out.  I am very fortunate and feel horrible for all the people who lost so much – please don’t think I am cold because I am making light of this. 

Anyway, I’ve really enjoyed being disconnected from the world.  I mean, yes I am curious how bad it got out there…from what I’ve heard around town, it is devastating.  But I am really enjoying not checking facebook, not wasting time on the Internet, having the phone ring a lot, etc. I know deep down I am a simple person…I could go days/weeks without this technology. I think people are overall happier – and we start talking to our neighbors – imagine that.  I am really enjoying it.  It will be hard to get back into the groove next week.
Now if only the universe will work on getting me that husband.

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