Wednesday, June 1, 2011

My office gets a make-over

Well, the last 8 work days are coming to an end, thank goodness.  No No, I don't have a new job yet, but I did have to pack up everything in my office because we are renovating and my office is shifting down the hall.  For the last 8 days I have had to go through my clients files and take apart what will be scanned - and remove paperclips and staples, decide what is a keeper and put into the burn box (I had 6 burn boxes!) the stuff we don't need.  On top of that my other 4 filing cabinets and two bookcases needed to be emptied and all the stuff from the top of the cabinets and under my desk needed to be packed up too.  This was no joke, at times, it was such hard work.  Last Friday I was stripping down at work and still I was dripping sweat onto the boxes.

These are all the filing cabinets that I had to clear out.  My new office will only have room for ONE. 

Some of the boxes that will be scanned so I don't need those two large 'wood'cabinets above.

All the rest of the boxes that I packed up.  I have about 2 of them in my temporary office, but for the most part...I am sort of shocked how much crap I had in my office.

I am indifferent about the renovations.  Unfortunately I am going from the last office in the hall to one that is near the people that talk loud all day.  I don't think I can keep my door closed and I don't think I can blast music, so it is going to kinda suck listening to their BS ALL day long.

The work starts today and my office is among the first since a wall is coming down.  With 90 minutes to spare (Well, I did come in 45 minutes early again) I finished packing everything yesterday.  Thursday I leave for 11 days for work related trips and a few days vising a friend in Oregon  :)   I won't have my laptop with me - but I have a few scheduled posts.  I need to work on a few more today so you won't forget about me in my absence.  I am looking forward to being gone for the work mess and chaos.  No one else started to clean out their offices yet. It might have been funny to be here and listen to them stress about it.

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