Tuesday, September 30, 2014

my first visitor

I've only been here a handful of days, and already I have a visitor.  My sister had a work trip that brought her to town, so I was able to spend three days with her....well, minus the time she was working.  Her first day was a travel day, so we were able to go up to Rocky Mountain National Park where I was able to show her the majestic mountains, one of the things I fell in love with four years ago.

The second night we had drinks and dinner with her boss at the hotel, and I walked away with the number of our server, a man 18 years older than me.

Night three I brought her to the mile above sea level marker at the capital building.  And I found a vegetarian restaurant nearby.  City, oh City that had a nice atmosphere and some tables outside.  I am not a vegetarian, she is, but I thought my food was OK, I got a quinoa and bean burger with cheese and a side of hominy chili soup.  She ordered the BBQ tofu ribs with vegan mac & cheese and hated it....but then again, she knows that she doesn't like food that replicates the food she gave up (ribs).  I felt so bad...I picked the restaurant and I pushed her to "try something new" that she doesn't eat back home.  Then we had the scout cookie, their take on a girl scout somoa cookie, which was delicious!  We got one to go!

And day four was back to the airport and saying goodbye.  As I left the airport, there were massive dark clouds, strong winds and quite a lightning storm.  I couldn't help but think that my friends and family in heaven were also crying that my sister left...and now I am all alone...to start to figure things out.

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