Thursday, March 18, 2010

Lesson Learned Yet???

Staying with my word about trying to blog more it goes, as I wait to get together with a few friends for March Madness.

How many times does it take to learn a lesson?
Me, clearly not enough. So, I had a business trip to Chicago, I asked around, none of my friends wanted to go - so eventually the Ex said he would go. He claimed a trip like this is what we needed to move past our issues (mind you we've been broken up for 3 1/2 years. LOL) and get reacquainted with one another. I was excited, but skeptical. He purchased his flight - and sent me an email confirmation and then proceeded to not speak to me for 3 weeks. As my trip neared, I had a feeling I'd be going solo and quickly asked if anyone else wanted to get away last minute. The day before I was to leave he messages me saying it isn't a good idea. No other explanations, although he did deny being married, getting married or having a baby that weekend.

So for the twelfth time, I told him I was done, that was his last chance. Of course he didn't believe that because I've been "hooked" (from HIMYM - being strung along by one person who wants something more - Season 5 Epsiode 16).

Have I learned my lesson? I don't think so. BUT because we haven't been speaking it doesn't bother me as much. Well, not that day, I cried like our breakup was brand new. AND as if I couldn't be anymore childish or irrational, I told a guy I'm friends with (7 dates in 13 months) that I'd go to Mexico with him. AGHHH - I've never been away like that with a guy - the trip is booked, I can't get out of that one anymore. So NO my lesson was NOT learned...again.

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